ELArb Arbitration Center
The new Arbitration Center for disputes related to Latin America.
ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Center - a platform for the efficient solutions of international legal disputes.
The ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Center provides a platform for the efficient solution of international legal disputes. It is designed for the needs of the European and Latin American trade and business communities and beyond.
The Hamburg based ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Center is operated and supported by arbitration practitioners from Latin America and Europe. With its tailor-made ELArb Arbitration rules, which inter alia allow the parties to commence and conduct arbitration proceedings in the Spanish, Portuguese, English or German language, it offers a unique setting for the solution of disputes which may arise between European and Latin American business partners and beyond.
Historically developed expertise
Since their independence, most Latin American countries have maintained close commercial relations with European countries that have grown and intensified over the years on the basis of mutual trust. An essential part of the trade resulting thereof takes place via the port of the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
This is why, as early as 1916, merchants and businessmen from Hamburg joined with business people from other parts of Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean to form the LAV in order to exchange experiences, discuss different views and promote their common interests in a better way. The LAV is a non-profit organization located in Hamburg. It supports companies from all sectors in establishing and developing business activities.
Tailor-made legal framework
The ELArb Arbitration Rules offer a modern set of arbitration rules. They have been developed by arbitration practitioners from Latin America and Europe with the aim to take the particularities of Latin American and European jurisdictions, trade practices and (legal) cultures duly into account.
While the ELArb Arbitration Center and the ELArb Arbitration Rules focus on disputes, which relate to Latin American – European trade relationships, they are open to parties world-wide; a connection of the specific dispute with Europe and/or Latin America is not required. The parties are free to choose the arbitrators and to determine the place of arbitration.
Please find more information in our infotheque.