Dr. Till Alexander Backsmann
Lawyer | Veirano Advogados
Experience as counsel
- 2 Proceedings as party counsel (DIS and ICC)
- 1 Proceeding as legal expert in Brazilian Law (Netherlands Arbitration Institute)
- 3 Proceedings as member of the arbitration practice groups within the firms acting as party counsel, analyzing the facts and the relevant law and, as the case may be, drafting written submissions (1 proceeding on claimants‘ side according to ICSID rules; 1 proceeding on claimants’ side under Swiss Rules, 1 proceeding under ICC rules on claimant’s side)
- Corporate and Commercial Law
- Civil Procedure
- Infrastructure Projects
- M & A
- English
- Português
- Español
- Deutsch
General information
- PhD (Visiting Scholar at Duke University, U.S.A. and Doctoral Thesis at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Germany), subject: Immaterielle Vermögenswerte in Konzernbilanzen nach U.S.GAAP und IAS [Intangible Assets in the Financial Reporting of Groups of Companies according to U.S. GAAP and IAS [now IFRS], LIT, Münster, Germany, 2003
- Admitted as Solicitor with practicing certificate (England and Wales)
- Admitted as Rechtsanwalt (German Attorney)
- Admitted as Advogado (Attorney in Brazil)
- Law Firm: Veirano Advogados (one of the 10 most prestigious full-service law firms in Brazil with approximately 250 attorneys, all of whom speak English. The firm has a large Dispute Resolution practice group consisting of about 50 attorneys. Veirano also has the strongest German Speaking Desk in Brazil with currently 20 attorneys.
- Relevant Publications:
- Backsmann et. al., International Arbitration in Brazil – A Practitioners‘ Guide, Kluwer Arbitration online, 2016;
- Veirano / Backsmann, Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Brasilien – Einige Neuigkeiten und Ausgewählte Themen für Ausländische Investoren [Arbitration in Brazil – Some New Developments and Selected Issues for Foreign Investors], in: Cascante / Spahlinger / Wilske, Global Wisdom on Business Transactions, International Law and Dispute Resolution, liber amicorum for Gerhard Wegen, C.H. Beck, 2015
Veirano Advogados
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima
3477 - 16° andar
04538-133 São Paulo