Jorge Angell
Advogado | L.C. Rodrigo Abogados
Experiência como árbitro
National Arbitration
- Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid: 10 proceedings as Sole Arbitrator
- Corte de Arbitraje del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid: 1 proceeding as Sole Arbitrator
- Ad-hoc: four proceedings as Co-arbitrator
lnternational Arbitration
Ad-hoc: 2 proceedings as Co-arbitrator
Experiência como counsel
National Arbitration
Ad-hoc: 10 proceedings as lawyer of one party
International Arbitration
Ad-hoc: 6 proceedings as lawyer of one party
- Right of Representation (Agency)
- Corporate Law
- Distribution and Franchising
- lnsurance
- Joint Ventures, Consortium and Corporate Cooperation
- Sale and purchase contracts
- Maritime Law (sea)
- Reinsurance
- Arbitration
- Litigation
- Español
- English
Informações gerais
L.C. RODRIGO ABOGADOS was established in Madrid in January 1974 and, since then, the Firm has been providing legal assistance to a wide variety of Spanísh and foreign businesses. As a consequence of its clients' activities, many of which have an international scope, the Firm has a notable and long acknowledged expertise in commercial legal advice, contracts, transactions, insurance and reinsurance and domestic and international litigation and arbitration.
In order to assist clients in other geographical areas, notably Europe, Latin America and the United States of America, the Firm works on a correspondent basis with a number of prestigious law firms established in those areas.
L.C. Rodrigo Abogados
Calle de Lagasca, 88 - 4°
28001 Madrid