ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Association is meant to be an open platform for individuals, organizations and companies from all over the world.
It was established as a non-profit organization in 2014 by Lateinamerika Verein (LAV) and Rechtsstandort Hamburg e.V. jointly with other institutions and individuals engaged in arbitration.
To foster science and research in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution, with special focus on arbitration, is the main purpose of the ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Association. This purpose has been and shall in the future permanently be realized by the elaboration, implementation and continued adaptation of the ELArb Arbitration Rules in accordance with the necessities and the legal environment between Europe and Latin America.
Aiming to promote international commercial arbitration as a means of quick and cost-efficient dispute resolution, the ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Association has in 2015 founded the ELArb Arbitration Center.