ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Center GmbH

Model arbitration clause

All contractual and extra-contractual disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract, its alterations, supplements and/or other agreements of the parties to which this contract applies, including its/their validity, invalidity, violation or cancellation, shall be finally resolved, without recourse to the ordinary courts of law, by arbitration according to the ELArb Arbitration Rules in force on the date when the Notice of Arbitration is received.

The place of the arbitration shall be ..............................1. The language used in the arbitral proceedings shall be ..............................1. The applicable law for resolving the legal dispute shall be ..............................1.

O2 Deviating from the ELArb Arbitration Rules – which provide that the tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators - it is hereby agreed that the tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator only.

1 Please fill out
2 Mark if applicable


Download the ELArb Model Arbitration Clause as PDF document.